Room Prep & Framing Begins

Frame with top on North wall. Laser using to level all frame work.

Inside area HO layout.

West Wall, Round House Corner of Layout

South Wall, Looking at Inside area HO part of Layout

East Wall, Truss Bridge near Dam & Hydro Electric Plant

Test Trees

Mountain Scenery East Wall Complete

South East Corner Brewery Town-Set Building Bases

Heading to South Tunnel Portal

Rock Work Is Complete Prior to Tree Planting

Mountain Sub-Structure Complete and Ready For Plaster

Plaster Complete Wire Lath for Future Rock

Rocks Applied to Lath Foam Applied Fill Gaps

Martin Creek Viaduct View to North Portal

Loco on MC Viaduct Headed Home

Round House Base and Turn Table Installed

Track Leads to Round House and Coal Dock

Round House on Base Do Final Tune Up on Turn Table

Backdrop and Scenery Underway