PURINA Grain Elevator


This is a tall building, the prototype was found in Canada. This kit comes complete to build as the model pictured.

SKU: HO-010 Category:


HO Craftsman kit. Nanton Grain Elevator prototype was found through out Canada. Internal structure is built first from laser cut 1/8″ masonite and takes only minutes. It is then covered with 3/32″ birch plywood, precisely cut on our laser. Window & door openings also laser cut.

This type of construction is strong and will not warp. Base is CNC cut from 3/8″MDF, roof corrugated aluminum. No cardboard in these kits, only top quality building materials. Model builds quickly and easily, and is complete – just needs glue, paint and your attention.

 All wood parts preciously cut on Universal Laser and comes with removable base with pins for locating.

Purina Grain Elevator Version now available. (Ask for Purina stencils in Comment section on check out.)

Foot Print 5″ x 7.625″

Additional information

Weight 43 oz
Dimensions 13 × 10 × 2 in